Sweaty CBR

Embarked the other week on a damn sweaty road trip up to the countries capital with a car full of Canadians.
We drove through the night to Wodonga and set up the tent city at the skatepark.

 The first man up - Bates
 This thing got slappied at 2am the night before with the help of some chip grease.
 The new section of the park.

 8.00am front board before the heat got too much
 Dano Choppin rails for breaky
 Freaky fisheye
Baits pushing it to the top.

The Deanrr's crib. 
 Coz of the damn sweaty heat skateboardin didn't happen 
till the following day.
 Woden for warm ups. Todd Baker with some shifty booty sweat

 Davoooh backtailooh
Cheeney sighting
 Ledge dancing over at CIT

F/s Crookers from Handsome Dano

 We cruised over to Insano's.

 Switch carvin

We headed over to this rough ass bank spot next.Cheeendog was killing it

Cree was jumping into backtails
Deanrr freeboarding
Todd sussing it out with a boardy
Canberra has the ditch spotz!

Dian Ross is a babe
 Todd was getting busy on the bank to shoot thingy
Monkey Jump
 Pre grab drophop
 Frontside Wallie Disco moves
 Catch chu on the finer side robert

Brew a'clock breww
Tom has got the flicks
Cheeney on a bum rush
Deanrr getn the birds eye angles
Sweaty, hungover struggles 
Cheeney gettin on a board at the copshop rail
Dano running on 0 hours sleep gave the rail a go
Todd gettin higher than he's ever been before
 Artsy version
Cheeney double foot dipping on a b/smith at belco
 Last day, last ditch. Backtail at spence. 
 photoprops: Todd "beyonce" baker

 Lightning came out for the BBQ at woden that night 
 Cameron Stanley on a was learning backside overcrooks.
 Patients young grasshopper